Friday, August 05, 2005

Exception Management Strategy for N-tier Applications - Part III

This article is in continuation of my previous two posts on Exception Management Strategy for N-tier Applications. If you havent read them, please check Part I and Part II.

Code Snipped Continued ...

The sample code for wrapping an exception that is caused in the DAL is shown below:

// statements that access SQL Server
catch(SqlException sqlEx)
DataOperationFailedException dataOp = new DataOperationFailedException(sqlEx.Message,sqlEx);
dataOp.ErrorNumber = sqlEx.Number;
dataOp.SqlServerName = sqlEx.Server.ToString();
dataOp.ActionTaken = "";
dataOp.LogonUser = "";
dataOp.MstrStacktrace = sqlEx.StackTrace;
dataOp.ContextInfo = "MyNamespace.MyClass";

//Publish exception

//Rethrow exception
throw dataOp;

The same way each module in the application can be wrapped suitably and the exception rethrown to above layer.

If the Web.config is configured to take to a specific error page, customized error messages for each type of exception cannot be shown.

So, the global.asax can be used to show customized error messages by finding the exception type that occured in the application. Here is the sample code:

protected void Application_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().InnerException;
if(ex.GetType().ToString()== "Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.

1 comment:

rahulatcse said...

Thanks for writing this blog. It is really informative.